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Search Result

Search results refer to the list created by search engines in response to a query.

Search results can be broken down as follows:

  • Natural search results (usually on the left-hand side of search engine’s results page)
    Here you will see all the websites in a search engine’s index which are relevant to the query. The search engine’s internal evaluation algorithm determines which position a website will get in the search results. It is not possible to pay to move a website higher up in the natural search results. In addition, natural search results often display entries from Google Places, images or videos which are relevant to a search term. These entries usually appear at the top of the search results.
  • Sponsored search results (usually on the right-hand side of a search engine’s results page) Here you will see websites that have placed ads with the search engine. Sponsored search results are determined by factors like the price per click, click-through rates and search term competition.

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