Mum’s The Keyword: An SEO Infographic on Mother’s Day Keywords
Mother's Day is a 19.9 billion dollar holiday. Check out this SEO infographic analysis of 275 high volume Mother's Day keywords. Oh, and call your mom.
Besides being the one holiday you can’t avoid without getting a guilt trip, it also happens to be one of the biggest shopping events of the year in the US (3rd only to winter holidays and Back-to-School shopping). Not to mention, consumers spend just under 20 billion dollars a year on their mothers, giving us 20 billion reasons to look into how this special holiday performs in search.
We took a look at 275 Mother’s Day-related highest volume keywords that represent about 649,000 searches per month (search terms containing “mom,” “mothers day,” “gifts”). Check out the SEO infographic below:

Pinterest and Conquer Market Share
Pinterest is the top-ranking domain for URLs in positions 1-5. Not surprising for how well this social leader does for holiday gifts. But online retailer,, is the top-ranking domain for URLs in position 1 by targeting both “Mothers Day Gifts” and “Gifts for Mom.” (Share this stat to Twitter)
Publishers Target The Consumer, Not The Product
Out of the top 10 ranking domains, 4 are publishers that produce high quality content and target the early stages of the buyer’s journey. Gift guides and ideas rule the first page.
Cards Beat Out Jewelry and Flowers
Letters aren’t dead! One of our Customer Success Managers, Melanie Wahl, discovered that “mothers day cards” were searched more than both “mothers day jewelry” and “mothers day flowers.” (Share to Twitter) When drilling down, we found that personalized, printable, and e-cards were the most popular themes for “mothers day cards.”
What can you do to get more page one love for Mother’s Day? Target early-funnel keywords (“ideas”) or get more creative by targeting a wider audience (“unique,” “homemade,” “cool,” “best”). Additionally, no matter what industry you’re in, jump on the Pinterest money bandwagon. ‘Cause your mom’s worth it.