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Customer Success Story

Winning Striking Distance Keywords with Zurich Insurance UK & Conductor

Learn how Zurich Insurance UK joined forces with Conductor to get a holistic view of its website, keyword, and competitor data to win striking distance keywords and create sustainably efficient workflows.

About Zurich Insurance UK

London, England
Company Size
Financial Services

Zurich provides a suite of general insurance products covering business, casualty, motor, property, travel, and life insurance, as well as pension products to individuals and corporate customers in the UK.

They are part of Zurich Insurance Group, which is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, where it was founded in 1872.

The challenge

The main challenge facing Zurich Insurance UK was that it didn’t have a holistic or up-to-date view of its website and content organic search performance. Zurich struggled to unify its organic search performance metrics to understand the ROI of its SEO efforts.

With no comprehensive view of their website data, Zurich's content writers and editors struggled to find opportunities to create new and optimize existing content. They lacked insight into which pages on their site were driving traffic and which should be prioritized for optimization.

Zurich’s SEO team needed a partner that could unify its website, competitor, and keyword data in one place, enabling better decision-making via a single source of truth. They also needed a solution that would quickly show the value of SEO to colleagues across the organization.

As a company with multiple business units operating across many markets, we needed a platform for content editors to easily get insights and improve content.

Daniel Hall, Search Marketing Manager, Zurich Insurance UK (opens in a new tab)

The solution

Conductor helped unify Zurich’s website intelligence into a single platform, giving them a holistic and up-to-date view of their keyword, audience, competitor, and performance metrics to understand the full impact of their SEO strategy on the business. This holistic insight allowed the Zurich team to track thousands of keywords across different business areas at once, as opposed to the few hundred they could track when relying on smaller, disparate tools or separate third-party reports. Features like Content Guidance and its Organic Opportunity Analysis view made a particular impact.

Conductor provides business cases for a potential increase in ranking positions, which proved to be more accurate and efficient than relying only on CTR projections, allowing the team to quickly identify high-impact content topics.

Daniel Hall, Search Marketing Manager, Zurich Insurance UK (opens in a new tab)

Thanks to deeper insights into content performance on a page and keyword level, content creators were able to make more informed decisions about what content to create for their target audience, what to optimize, and what content was no longer relevant. Features and workflows like Content Guidance, unlimited content briefs, and keyword summaries made content creation more efficient for both new and existing content. This allowed the team to have a fully integrated workflow for the entire content lifecycle, prioritize high-impact topics, and produce value-driven content optimized to rank well on SERPs and reach their target audience.

[The] summary of striking distance keywords has saved time, as we don’t have to download and filter data, [allowing us to prioritize] shortlist opportunities and focus on specific topics.

Daniel Hall, Search Marketing Manager, Zurich Insurance UK (opens in a new tab)

Fresh and comprehensive website insights also helped create interest in and buy-in for SEO throughout the organization. Conductor’s self-service onboarding allowed members of the Zurich team to quickly learn how to use the platform and what workflows to prioritize for their specific needs and goals. Self-service made it easy for team members to see value in the platform’s workflows and SEO as a whole, solidifying its importance throughout the organization.

The excellent self-service onboarding has saved a lot of time that would have been spent [on] training in other tools.

Daniel Hall, Search Marketing Manager, Zurich Insurance UK (opens in a new tab)

Conductor’s flexible enterprise reporting allowed the Zurich team to create reports breaking down the progress and status of SEO efforts. They could then easily export and share these reports with anyone across the organization, whether they were a Conductor user or not. Seamless reporting helped make the impact of SEO clear and helped improve buy-in from teams and leadership.

Getting new reports used to take a lot of time as it required briefing agencies over and over again. Using Conductor’s reporting functionality has improved efficiency.

Daniel Hall, Search Marketing Manager, Zurich Insurance UK (opens in a new tab)

The results

Introduced a holistic view of performance metrics

While working strictly with an agency and using small, disparate tools, Zurich could only track a couple of hundred keywords across their pages, and by the time they received the data, it was often outdated and did little to help the team make a strong content and website optimization plan.

With Conductor, Zurich unified its keyword, audience, and competitor data under one roof and tracked thousands of keywords, ensuring a robust and up-to-date view of overall content performance and page and keyword-level performance.

Improved productivity and SEO buy-in for 30+ employees

In just over three months since partnering with Conductor, Zurich has seen significant platform adoption and engagement across the organization. This adoption was largely driven by the self-service sign-up flow, which allowed the team to quickly ramp up employees across different teams and tailor platform training and education to each employee’s specific needs, goals, and responsibilities.

This meant that team members who previously didn’t fully understand or appreciate SEO now regularly use the platform to better understand website and content performance and the impact of their SEO efforts. With deep, personalized website insights, the team could directly tie its efforts and actions to the impact they had on the site and ROI, empowering the team to make informed decisions, experiment with their SEO initiatives to find what worked best, and focus on efforts that really moved the needle.

Optimized rankings for striking distance keywords

Leveraging content and keyword research workflows like Content Guidance and Workspaces to report on striking distance keywords allowed the team to find opportunities to create and optimize content to provide more value to users. Within the Conductor platform, striking distance keywords refer to keywords ranking within the top 11-30 results on SERPs. By specifically focusing on striking distance keywords, content writers and editors were able to optimize their content for low-lift opportunities to improve their rankings on SERPs for high-impact keywords.

Ultimately, Conductor helped Zurich get a full picture of the team’s SEO efforts and overall website performance. Conductor brought the keyword, competitor, and website data Zurich needed into a single holistic platform. This unified approach to SEO made it easy for team members from across the organization to better see the impact SEO has on the business and also made content creation more efficient and the results more impactful. Thanks to comprehensive data, Zurich ensured content was optimized to rank and is relevant with their target audience.

Sign up for a free trial today to explore some of the workflows that helped Zurich drive these results.

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